Year 5/8 STEM - Helmet making
As part of their STEM learning years 5 through to 8 have been creating helmets, using medium density EVA foam and head mapping techniques. The head is covered with foil and then the foil is covered with masking tape to give a flexible mould of the person's head. This can then be used to draw the shape of the helmet on and draw cut lines so that the 3D mould can be cut out and laid flat on the EVA foam.
These foam parts were then glued together using impact adhesive and once dry covered with PVA glue to seal the surface. They could then be painted using acrylic paints to give the desired look. Below is a photo of all the helmets that were made. There were several 'crash helmets', a Greek, an early Saxon and a Viking helmet and even a Star Wars (Boba Fett) helmet.
All the students worked very hard to produce some very realistic looking helmets.