On Wednesday 24th October 2018, GCSE music students Molly and Imogen went to Wiltshire Live Music Hall with Mrs. Hurley and Mrs. Warren to watch the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain and participate in a Ukulele workshop. The workshop consisted in learning Pop music through the ages. There were four pieces from the 50’s-80’s which each focused on different techniques.
After the workshop the girls were invited to play in the Entrance Hall of the Music Centre while the guests for the concert arrived. The performance went very well and the spectators thoroughly enjoyed the music.
Later in the evening, the girls watched the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain play live. There were seven players and a variety of ukuleles including a Banjalale. The concert was WW1 themed and included traditional songs as well as some jazz songs and also traditional songs which the soldiers had changed the lyrics to (particularly amusing!) Some history was told along with the songs and overall the night was a huge hit with everybody.
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain