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Seniors Art Competition

Year 7's Letter from Letters


Class 1 & 2 Art Competition

Its February 2021 and as we are back at home under Lock down for the second time Immanuel school set Class 1 and 2 an art competition based around this verse:

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11

We have been amazed at all of the input and it is clear that a lot of hard work has gone into these art pieces. Here are some images of the art pieces for you to enjoy.

Back to school

As the government lifts some of the lock down restrictions, some children have started back at school. Here are some photos to give you a feel of what school life is like.

Some home crafts

Many children are struggling to know what to do whilst at home. Arts and crafts are a very useful way to fill your time. Here is some String art from Karen in yr10.

Family outings

While you are lock up in lock down, why not take a walk into the country side and see some of Gods beautiful creation. Her are some photos of the Malcolms taking a family walk.

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Registered Address: 20 Frampton End Road, Frampton Cotterell, Bristol, BS36 2JZ.

Immanuel Christian School is a registered charity. Registration number 1150240.

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