​G I V I N G

easyfundraising.org.uk is a website through which online retailers make charitable donations to Immanuel School based on your purchases. Over 2000 retailers are signed up to the scheme.
For example Amazon will donate up to 2.5% of the purchase price to the school. You pay no extra.
Please register your details with www.easyfundraising.org.uk. Choose Immanuel Christian School as your chosen charity using the "find a cause" search box. Save your link to www.easyfundraising.org.uk in your bookmarks or favourites. Use this link before buying from any registered online retailers and they will then donate an amount to the school automatically.
You can find more details of the scheme on the website.
Immanuel School receive no financial support from the government. Most of the school's funds come from fees paid by parents. The rest of the school's funds come from sacrifical voluntary donations from churches, relatives and other interested parties.
The school is a registered charity (registration number 1150240). The registration can be viewed on the Charity Commission website (www.charitycommission.gov.uk). Therefore any money donated to the school will be eligible for gift aid.
If you would like to make a gift to the school please contact the Chair of Governors whose details are on the right.
Jonathan Gulliford
Chair of Governors
Rodford Tabernacle
Westerleigh Road
South Gloucestershire
BS37 8QG
01454 311710